Talley | Oklahoma Senior Photographer

Talley, oh Talley. When I think of Talley, I immediately think: “Life filled;  brave.”  Although Talley is a normal human being with normal fears, I believe she has a courage that resonates deep in her bones. Talley is easy going like a spring breeze, so her favorite things include the lake, quality time with friends and family, and writing. Talley gets excited by new experiences, so I believe her when she said that her favorite fictional character is Disney’s Pocahontas— the epitome of spirited and brave. For Talley’s outfit, we went for something laid back, a bit funky, and loose. Flowy patterned blouse, messy fishtail hair, rolled up jeans [check].     Talley’s answer for what she wanted to be someday was to be an ultra sound tech. If you haven’t caught on, that means she will literally be showing people life (fitting?). Talley wishes that she was better at singing, but no worries. This girl’s heart sings.- Marie_E7A9710 _E7A9730 _E7A9732 _E7A9736 _E7A9738 _E7A9744 _E7A9746 _E7A9748If you are a high school senior this year and are looking for custom senior portraits, give us a shout!Enjoy the work? Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.


Sara | Oklahoma Senior Photographer


Gabby | Oklahoma Senior Photographer