Community Christian School Senior Pictures by Senior Portrait Photographer Josh Fisher

Featuring Holly's Community Christian School Senior Pictures on the blog!  Holly is a part of Josh Fisher's senior model program.  These senior portraits are from a recent model session with Dainty Hooligan Norman.  Holly plays volleyball at CCS and is a vital part of the team. Super glad to her have a part of the model program this year.  Random fact about Holly: she hate eggs (by itself) with a burning passion. Other cool fact? She wants to be a trauma surgeon, Go Holly!

Community Christian School Senior Pictures

 community christian school senior pictures norman photographer norman senior photographer norman senior pics norman senior pictures norman senior portrait photographer senior photographer norman senior pictures normanWant to schedule senior pictures with Josh Fisher? Check out the rest of Josh's senior portrait portfolio here to see if he's the right photographer for you. Click here to schedule.


Yukon High School Senior Pictures by Senior Portrait Photographer Josh Fisher


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