Wade - Deer Creek High School Senior Pictures by Oklahoma Senior Photographer Josh Fisher

Woah! Seriously loved photographing Wade's Deer Creek High School Senior Pictures in Oklahoma City. He looks killer in that suit. When showing him the back of the camera, he said no doubt the suit ones were his favorite senior portraits. I love all the textures Downtown Oklahoma City has to offer. All of these locations were just a few blocks from each other. The clean and blank concrete wall is my favorite. Congratulations on graduating high school, Wade!  I have no doubt you'll do well in college.

Deer Creek High School Senior Pictures by Oklahoma Senior Photographer Josh Fisher

deer creek senior pictures deer creek senior okc senior pictures oklahoma photographer Deer Creek High School Senior Pictures photographers okc Senior pic photographer Okc senior pictures deer creek senior pictures okcIf you're looking for custom high school senior pictures in Oklahoma City, let me know! Check out my Oklahoma senior portrait portfolio here! 


Best Senior Portraits from Class of 2016 by Oklahoma Photographer Josh Fisher


Yukon High School Senior Pictures by Senior Portrait Photographer Josh Fisher