How To Find The Right Senior Portrait Photographer For You

Are you looking for a senior photographer in Oklahoma and not sure what you should be looking for? This can be a daunting task to say the least. I'm Josh Fisher, a senior portrait photographer in Oklahoma City, and I’m here to help! Here are some things to think about when choosing the right senior portrait photographer for you.First, you need to decide on the type of style you’re aiming for. Do you like drama? Do you want a more nature themed shoot? Do you want a high fashion? Do you prefer a traditional look?Begin your search by googling “senior photographers in Oklahoma City” and reading reviews. Reviews are wonderful in helping to give you a good idea of what to expect. They will tell if the experience was awkward or fun or annoying. That way you don’t end up paying for a disappointing senior session.Most photographers have websites so you will usually be able to find that with your Google search. The websites should have details about what to expect, services they offer, and a portfolio. Beyond the website, check out their blog and Instagram and/or Facebook page to see the latest work!There are plenty of photographers out there offering inexpensive cookie-cutter senior sessions. That might be fine if your only goal is to get a few prints but if you want a truly special experience – one aimed at celebrating the unique individual you’ve become – that’s something totally different. With senior portrait photography, you really get what you pay for. Look for a photographer who offers you a fully finished product, not just digital images. You want to find someone who offers professional make-up, hair, styling, retouching, and plenty of options for digital and physical prints. That way you don’t have to worry about scheduling a makeup artist, getting your hair done, and stressing about what to wear. You only have to book a date and the rest is taken care of by the photographer. Once you have selected a few, shoot them an email to ask about dates and pricing. In your email, ask about everything you’re getting. They should offer digital copies, quality albums, and any sort of prints you want. Having electronic images is great for social media and such, but getting high quality prints that last is not easy. If you only get a disk, you might end up with drugstore prints that might start fading in less than a year. High quality studio prints will last much longer. Also ask if the prints are UV coated. This will prolong the life of the prints. Ask about the sort of leather used in the albums because you want something durable.You also need to think about where you would like to have your pictures taken. A good photographer can take any location and take gorgeous pictures but if you want a specific spot make sure to ask to see if they are willing.The photographer will respond with dates and answers to any questions you had. After that, you’re good to go!


Abby | Senior Portraits in Sapulpa Oklahoma by Josh Fisher


Mackenzie | Senior Portrait Photographer in Oklahoma City